See ya later Freon

Is your AC unit a phased out R-22 Freon model?

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It’s now been a year since the EPA finished phasing out Freon/R-22 as a refrigerant in air conditioning units. While we saw many customers replace their units in 2020, we encourage those who haven’t to be proactive and start taking steps now for replacement.

Remember that while Freon is no longer in production, your R-22 unit can still be serviced. While some units might have the option to be retrofitted to utilize a different refrigerant, it’s important to evaluate the recurring costs of servicing older units compared to installing a new efficient model that will lower your energy costs.

This spring, save $500 on the purchase and installation of a new air conditioning system from us! For more information visit or call 203.227.5181 to schedule an appointment with one of our Comfort Specialists.