When Ductless is the Answer

When Ductless is the Answer


Is every nook and cranny of your home now active living space? Whether you’ve created a home office from an unused corner or moved family into a converted basement apartment, installing a ductless heating/cooling system might be the solution you never knew you needed.

Ductless systems can be used for air conditioning in the summer, heat in transition months and as supplemental heat through the winter. The heat pump technology moves air around your home, regulating temperatures and in some cases, even reducing your home energy bills with their efficiency. If you’re unfamiliar with this highly versatile technology, here are a few considerations:

Home additions/converted spaces might overload your current HVAC system

Adding a ductless unit to your HVAC portfolio will reduce strain on your current system. The unit is sized for the square footage it’s meant to cover inside your home without diverting air from other rooms.

Installing ductwork might be too costly or in some cases not possible in your home

If you live in a home without ductwork, it might be less expensive to add ductless units for cooling rather than a traditional air conditioning system. In fact, many older homes lack the space to install ductwork all together!

Your family battles over the thermostat and the best temperature for your home

Maybe you prefer a firm 65° year-round while your spouse is happiest at sauna-like temps? Either way, a ductless system creates independent zones by room/unit that will be more energy efficient than zoning in a traditional ducted system.

We know installing ductless heating and cooling is an investment but with all the time we’re spending at home, isn’t comfort something worth investing in?

For more information on Ductless Heating/Cooling Systems, please visit gaultenergy.com/ductless or call 203.227.5181 to schedule an appointment with one of our Comfort Specialists.