Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips

Preventable HVAC Maintenance Tips: Cooling Equipment

  1. Change your filters: Your AC system collects dirt, dust, and other matter which can reduce efficiency, decrease your indoor air quality, and deteriorate your system. It is important to check, clean, and change your air filters for your system to work to the best of its ability.

  2. Clean the outdoor areas: Your exterior AC condenser needs a good once over; clear at least a 2-foot perimeter from leaves, branches, and other debris that may impede on the unit’s ability to perform.

  3. Improve your cooling power: Programmable thermostats allow you to have more control over the temperature inside your home and a smart thermostat can be managed from your smartphone.

  4. Shop energy efficient: Invest in energy-efficient accessories like window coverings and appliances so your cooling equipment doesn’t have to work as hard to keep your home cool.

  5. Clean condenser coils: Cleaning your condenser coils is another way to make sure that your AC system is running smoothly. All you have to do is turn off the power and spray the coils with water to remove any dirt and debris!

  6. Listen for noise: As your AC unit is running, do you hear any grinding, hissing, rapid vibration, or other strange noises? If you hear any unusual noises, give us a call to schedule a technician to come find out the cause!

  7. Consider an upgrade: If you have an older unit (greater than 15 years old or an R22 unit), you are at risk for a break down that won’t be fun in the middle of summer. Upgraded systems are more energy efficient and will help you save money in the long run!

  8. Schedule a professional tune up: Give your AC system some TLC by calling to schedule your annual maintenance to make sure your home stays cool all summer long.

If you’d like to learn more about our service and installation options for cooling equipment,
please click here or call 203.227.5181.